AI入门之——Andrew Ng “Machine Learning”课程学习笔记第八周

8、Unsupervised Learning

8.1 Clustering

8.1.1 Unsupervised Learning: Introduction

Applications of clustering:

  1. Market segementation
  2. Social network analysis
  3. Organize computing clusters
  4. Astronomical data analysis


8.1.2 K-Means Algorithm


K (number of clusters)
Training set {x1,x2,...xm}


随机初始化K个聚类簇(cluster centroids)u1,u2…uK


  1. cluster assignment step:

    for     i = 1 to m
      c(i):=index(from 1 to K) of cluster centroids closest to xi
  2. Move centroid:

    for k = 1 to K
      uk := average(mean)of points assigned to cluster k

8.1.3 Optimization objective



  1. Randomly initialize K cluster centroids u1,u2,…uk
  2. Repeat:

    for i = 1 to m
        c(i):= index(from 1 to K) of cluster centroid closest to xi
for k = 1 to K
    uk:= average(mean) of points assigned to cluster k [minize J]

8.1.4 Random initialization

Random initialize:

首先满足 K < m;



for i = 1 to 100{
    Randomly initialize K-means.
    Run K-means. Get c1,c2,,u1,
    Compute cost function(distortion)


8.1.5 Choosing the number of clusters


Elbow cost:手肘方法,不是所有情况都能画出这样的图形,有时候会下降趋势较平滑。

sometimes, you’re running K-means to get clusters to use for some later/downstream purpose.

Evaluate K-means based on a metric for how well it performs for that later purpose.

8.2 Dimensionality Reduction



  1. Data Compression
  2. Data Visualization

8.2.1 Data Compression

将数据从2D 降维到 1D

将数据从3D 降维到 2D (将三维中的点投影到一个平面上)

8.2.2 Data Visualization



k <= N; 并且通常K=2或3, 便于进行可视化视图分析

8.3 Principal Component Analysis

8.3.1 Principal Component Analysis Problem Formulation

Reduce from 2-dimension to 1-dimension:

Find a direction (a vector v1) onto which to project the data so as to minimize the projection error.

Reduce from n-dimension to k-dimension:

Find k vectors v1,v2…vk on to which to project the data, so as to minimize the projection error.

PCA 不是线性回归:线性回归是竖着映射,PCA是垂直映射。


8.3.2 Principal Component Analysis algorithm

Data Preprocessing:

Training set: x1,x2,…xm

Preprocessing(feature scaling/mean normalization):

uj = 1/m(x1+x2+...+xm)
xj' = xj - uj

If different features on different scales, scale features to have comparable range of values.

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) algorithm

Reduce data from n-dimensions to k-dimensions

compute “covariance matrix”: sigma = 1/m(x1x1T+…+xnxnT)

compute “eigenvectors” of matrix sigma: [U,S,V] = svd(sigma)

Ureduce = U(:,1:k)

z = Ureduce’ * x

8.4 Applying PCA

8.4.1 Reconstruction from Compressed Representation

Xapprox = Ureduce*z

8.4.2 Choosing the number of principal components

choosing k

(1)Average squared projection error: 1/m(||x1-xapprox1||2 +…)

(2)Total variation in the data : 1/m(||x1||2 + … +||xm||2)

Typically, choose k to be smallest value so that (1)/(2)<=0.01

“99% of variance is retained”

Advice for applying PCA

Supervised learning speedup


  1. Reduce memory/disk needed to store data
  2. speed up learning algorithm


Bad use of PCA: To prevent overfitting

fewer features, less likely to overfit.

This might work ok, but isn’t good way to address overfitting. Use regularization instead.

Before implementing PCA, first try running whatever you want to do with the original/raw data xi. Only if that doesn’t do what you want, then implement PCA and consider using zi.